Determinants of Marital Instability in Ibadan, Nigeria

Population Studies
Noah Olasehinde
Patrick Onodje.
Issue: 1
(06 - 2023)
This study examined marital instability in Ibadan with focus on the pattern and factors which influence it. Marital instability was represented by three single spouse marital states (divorce, separation and widowhood). The study sampled 186 individuals from city and less city Local Government Areas. Upon estimating a multinomial logit model, age at marriage, gender, ethnic and religious heterogamy, and marriage length were found to significantly affect the likelihoods of divorce and separation. The number of kids in a marriage was significant in the separated category but not in the divorced category. Starting from age 26, the probability of marital instability falls with age at marriage but starts to rise after age 30 in the case of separation and after age 34 in the case of divorce.